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Deploy a Warp Route

Create an interchain route for your token

A Warp Route is a type of router application, requiring a HypERC20 or HypERC721 token contract to be deployed on each chain you wish to support.

The CLI includes a command to configure and deploy a Warp Route for your desired token.

1. Setup

Complete the CLI steps and deploy hyperlane core and warp contracts.

2. Configuration

Warp Route config

You will need to create a WarpRouteConfig in hyperlane-deploy/config/warp_tokens.ts to define your Warp Route. This will include information such as:

  • Which token, on which chain, is this Warp Route being created for?
  • Optional: Hyperlane connection details including contract addresses for the mailbox, interchain gas, and interchain security modules.
  • Optional: The token standard - fungible tokens using ERC20 or NFTs using ERC721. Defaults to ERC20.


Your WarpRouteConfig must have exactly one base entry. Here you will configure details about the token for which you are creating a warp route.

  • chainName: Set this equal to the chain on which your token exists
  • type: Set this to TokenType.collateral to create a warp route for an ERC20/ERC721 token, or TokenType.native to create a warp route for a native token (e.g. ether)
  • address: If using TokenType.collateral, the address of the ERC20/ERC721 contract for which to create a route
  • isNft: If using TokenType.collateral for an ERC721 contract, set to true.


Your WarpRouteConfig must have at least one synthetics entry. Here you will configure details about the remote chains supported by your warp route.

  • chainName: Set this equal to the chain on which you want a wrapped version of your token


You may specify the following optional values in your base and synthetics entries. If no values are provided, defaults will be populated from hyperlane-deploy/artifacts/addresses.json and the SDK (if present).

  • mailbox: The address of the the mailboxcontract to use to send and receive messages
  • interchainSecurityModule: The address of an interchain security modules to verify interchain messages
  • interchainGasPaymaster: The address of a interchain gas payments to pay for the gas needed to deliver interchain messages


An example WarpRouteConfig is provided in hyperlane-deploy/config/warp_tokens.tsthat defines a warp route for a native token between two local chains.

This Warp Route is secured by the default interchain security modules that are set on the Mailboxes for those chains.

import { TokenType } from '@hyperlane-xyz/hyperlane-token';

import type { WarpRouteConfig } from '../src/warp/config';

export const warpRouteConfig: WarpRouteConfig = {
base: {
// Chain name must be in the Hyperlane SDK or in the chains.ts config
chainName: 'anvil1',
type: TokenType.native, // TokenType.native or TokenType.collateral
// If type is collateral, a token address is required:
// address: '0x123...'

// Optionally, specify owner, mailbox, and interchainGasPaymaster addresses
// If not specified, the Permissionless Deployment artifacts or the SDK's defaults will be used
synthetics: [
chainName: 'anvil2',

// Optionally, specify owner, mailbox, and interchainGasPaymaster addresses
// If not specified, the Permissionless Deployment artifacts or the SDK's defaults will be used

Chain config

The Warp Route deployer will be aware of the connection details (e.g. RPC URL) for many standard chains.

If you would like to deploy a Warp Route to a chain that is not included in the Hyperlane SDK, you can specify a ChainMetadata entry in hyperlane-deploy/config/chains.ts.

An example has been populated for you for anvil.


An example chain config for a Warp Route is shown below. The blocks and blockExplorers properties are optional.

export const chains: ChainMap<ChainMetadata> = {
// ----------- Your chains here -----------------
anvil1: {
name: 'anvil1',
// anvil default chain id
chainId: 31337,
publicRpcUrls: [
http: 'http://localhost:8545',

3. Deployment

Run the following script to deploy your Warp Route. You will need to provide the following arguments:

  • key: A hexadecimal private key for transaction signing
DEBUG=hyperlane* yarn ts-node scripts/deploy-warp-routes.ts 
--key 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80

When the command finishes, it will output the list of contracts addresses to hyperlane-deploy/artifacts/warp-token-addresses.json.

The deployer will also output a token list file to hyperlane-deploy/artifacts/warp-ui-token-list.ts which can be used to deploy the UI for your warp route..

4. Testing

Run the following script to test your Warp Route by transferring tokens from one chain to another. You will need to provide the following arguments:

  • origin: The name of the chain that you are sending tokens from
  • destination: The name of the chain that you are sending tokens to
  • wei: The value of tokens to transfer, in wei
  • recipient: The address to send the tokens to on the destination chain
  • key: A hexadecimal private key for transaction signing
yarn ts-node scripts/test-warp-transfer.ts 
--origin anvil1 --destination anvil2 --wei 1
--recipient 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb4a5
--key 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80

If everything goes well, you should see the following output:

Waiting for message delivery on destination chain
Waiting for message delivery on destination chain
Waiting for message delivery on destination chain
Waiting for message delivery on destination chain
Waiting for message delivery on destination chain
Waiting for message delivery on destination chain
Message delivered on destination chain!
Confirmed balance increase
Warp test transfer complete